Trained and certified by GBAC to help keep you and your home healthy

We Don't Just Clean, We Share Too.

Cleaning Tips, Tricks, Hacks and Lifestyle Living


Cleaning as a Workout: All You Need to Know

August 25, 2023 by checklistmaids

Everyone doesn’t enjoy cleaning as it can include a lot of tiring, repetitive activities. You probably feel bored whenever you ...

6 Ways to Get Your Spouse to Help With Housework

August 25, 2023 by checklistmaids

Let’s talk about it. All couples generally strive to maintain an organized and harmonious living space, but different attitudes about ...

How to Teach Your Kids to Clean

July 25, 2023 by checklistmaids

Think of yourself when you were a kid. Did you like tidying up after yourself? Probably not, as you had ...

How to Get Your Kid to Clean Their Room

July 25, 2023 by checklistmaids

Many people don’t like cleaning, but tidiness is essential for our mental health. Research has shown that a neglected space ...

11 Time-Tested Wall-Cleaning Tips

June 30, 2023 by checklistmaids

Walls usually go unnoticed in most people’s regular maintenance routines. This is because they mainly focus on horizontal areas that ...

Top 13 Laundry Hacks You Should Know

June 27, 2023 by checklistmaids

Have your dirty clothes been piling up because you’ve postponed doing laundry for so long? You simply don’t like the ...

How to Clean Pet Kennel Like a Pro

June 5, 2023 by checklistmaids

To maintain a healthy home environment, you should tend to your pet’s kennel regularly. This will minimize the risk of ...

Easy Houseplant Cleaning Guide

June 5, 2023 by checklistmaids

Do you have houseplants in your house? You adore them as they bring life into your living place and create ...

Vinegar & House Cleaning: How to Use It

May 3, 2023 by checklistmaids

You’ve probably come across numerous online articles praising vinegar and its dirt-removing potential. They highlight its non-toxicity and eco-friendliness, guaranteeing ...

6 Essential Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tools

May 3, 2023 by checklistmaids

Do you wish to create a healthier home environment? Then you definitely need to consider putting an end to using ...

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