Trained and certified by GBAC to help keep you and your home healthy

Archive for the ‘Professional Home Cleaning Services’ Category

The Essential Office Cleaning Checklist

December 25, 2023 by checklistmaids

Keeping your office clean is essential for your organization as this ensures an optimal work environment and opportunity for your ...

Top 6 Benefits of Regular Office Cleaning

December 25, 2023 by checklistmaids

How many hours do you and your employees spend each workday at your workplace? Is it 8 hours or more? ...

9 Traits to Look for in an Office Cleaning Service

November 28, 2023 by checklistmaids

Dusty shelves and smudgy windows can’t really create a stimulating atmosphere for your business to grow, right? But with tight ...

When Is the Best Time to Have Your House Cleaned

December 15, 2020 by checklistmaids

With your daily schedule overflowing with obligations impossible to postpone, you usually sacrifice the cleaning of your house. The chaos ...

What to Expect from a Professional Deep Clean

December 15, 2020 by checklistmaids

Your house deserves detailed deep cleaning, but when you imagine spending your free time mopping your floors, the idea doesn’t ...

Making a DIY Home Project List (That You’ll Actually Complete)

January 31, 2020 by checklistmaids

In our last post, we shared some tips to Gain Confidence by Starting Small: Declutter One Drawer. If you missed ...

Resetting Your Home: Gain Confidence by Starting Small-Declutter One Drawer Today

January 20, 2020 by checklistmaids

At Checklist Maids, we often receive requests from the awesome people who welcome us into their homes, to help them ...

Don’t Even Know Where to Start? A Quick & Easy Tool (Plus Some Tips) To Make Cleaning Your Home Easier

November 23, 2019 by checklistmaids

Have you ever went to clean your home and felt overwhelmed? Wondering how you can make cleaning your house easier, ...

What A Professional Maid Service Is and How It Can Give You More Hours in Your Day

November 17, 2019 by checklistmaids

One thing we’ve learned about life is- you should stop doing the stuff you hate. There are things in life ...

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