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Top 14 Do’s & Don’ts of Housekeeping

by checklistmaids - September 30, 2022

What are the do’s and don'ts of cleaningHousekeeping is yet another dreary task on your to-do list. You probably don’t think much about it. You just wipe the surfaces when you notice dirt on them, and that’s it. But what if you’re wrong?

People usually take their living space hygiene for granted, as everyone assumes they can wipe and mop. But tidying up isn’t as simple as that. The wrong approach can do some harm, jeopardizing your belongings and health. If you want to dive into housekeeping philosophy,  check out the article below as professionals who offer house cleaning services in Richmond Hill, NY, list 14 essential home maintenance do’s and don’ts.

What are the do’s and don’ts of cleaning?

Whenever it’s time to spruce up your home, you probably hurry to get things done quickly. And you might even take some shortcuts to finish everything as soon as possible. 

This can give you the instant pleasure of having more free time, but in the long run, it can cause mishaps in your home. Here’s a couple of pieces of advice to apply next time you want to tackle your living space.

Housekeeping do’s.

  1. Wash the surfaces with soap and water before disinfecting them. Disinfectants may be less effective if surfaces are dirty, so it’s essential to wash them with soap and water first. Only use EPA-approved cleaners and disinfectants.
  2. Wipe and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily to stop viruses and bacteria from multiplying. These areas include all knobs and handles, light switches, remote controls, cellphones, computer mice, etc. 
  3. Wash your children’s toys regularly, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Stuffed toys attract dust mites and other allergens and make your children’s room less healthy. Plastic toys fall into the high-touch category so they can host many germs.
  4. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations when unsure how to tend your floors, carpets, upholstery, kitchen appliances, etc.
  5. Address your coffee machine more frequently. Your coffee machine reservoir is among the ten most contaminated areas in your home, so deal with it regularly, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Give your garbage disposal the love it needs. You’ll face a heavy grime build-up, unpleasant odors, and thousands of germs if you neglect it. Baking soda and white vinegar are an excellent combo for making your garbage disposal fresh and hygienic.
  7. Deep clean your large kitchen appliances more often than you think you should. Treat your dishwasher and washing machine with baking soda and white vinegar once a month. Your fridge might need thorough scrubbing more frequently, depending on the number of your household members and the mess they make.

Housekeeping don’ts

  1. Don’t neglect out-of-sight areas. Pay attention to high wall corners, ceiling fans, baseboards, behind large kitchen appliances, inside kitchen cabinets, closets, etc.
  2. Don’t let spills sit too long on your surfaces. It’ll be more challenging to remove them.
  3. Don’t wipe the disinfectant right away. Give it some dwell time to kill pathogens on your surfaces. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations before use.
  4. Don’t use bleach too often. It can be very toxic and harsh for your lungs.
  5. Don’t forget to keep windows open while handling bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or other hazardous chemicals.
  6. Don’t use white vinegar for marble. Its acidity can ruin your precious belongings.
  7. Don’t apply baking soda on wood furniture and floor as it’s too aggressive for most finishes and sealants. 

Where can I find dependable house cleaning services in Richmond Hill, NYWhere can I find dependable house cleaning services in Richmond Hill, NY? 

Keeping the mess in your children’s bedroom under control isn’t easy. And what about greasy kitchen counters? You’d really like someone to deal with them for you. Well, we have great news. Checklist Maids is at your service.

Your health and safety are the most important to us, so we cooperate with the most reliable professionals. They will give your household the treatment it deserves. Relax at Lt. Frank McConnell Park and let top experts take care of your home. Book today!

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