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How to Restore Order in Your Garage

by checklistmaids - October 29, 2021

How do I get motivated to clean a garageIs your garage like a storage room where you just toss your belongings you don’t use regularly? Is it full of boxes with old clothes scattered on the floor? Do your hands get dirty whenever you search for a tool on the shelf?

If the answer is yes, we feel you. Dusting, sweeping, mopping, and reorganizing your stuff in your garage isn’t something you want to do on your day off. So how can you find the motivation to reorganize it? And how can you do it efficiently? 

Here are a few useful tips and tricks only experts who offer a dependable cleaning service in Jackson Heights, NY, can give you. Read on!

How do I get motivated to clean a garage?

It’s hard to get motivated to clean your garage, especially if you’ve neglected it for a long time. Check out these cool ideas on how to make cleaning your garage more interesting:

  1. Play your favorite music. It’ll get you going and lighten your mood, and soon you’ll forget about the tediousness of the work you’re doing. You can also listen to an audiobook or your favorite talk show.
  2. Make a deal with a friend or a neighbor: if they help you with your garage, you’ll return the favor.
  3. Visualize a neat garage and imagine what you could do with it depending on its size. Maybe you can turn one of its corners into a gym? Or make an indoor playground for your children? These thoughts will stimulate you to go the extra mile.

What is the best way to clean a garage?

So, you’ve managed to inspire yourself to tackle your unsightly garage, but you don’t know how to do it efficiently. This simple 3-step guide will help you:

  1. Take everything out, and scrutinize the boxes and other stuff. Do you need all of that? Decide what to keep, what to donate/give away, and what to throw in the trash.
  2. Gather your cleaning supplies, and give your garage a good scrubbing. You’ll need a broom, a mop, a few microfiber cloths, some warm water, and mild dish soap. Make sure to apply the top-to-bottom approach while cleaning, and start by dusting and wiping off the high areas (wall corners, top shelves, etc.), and slowly find your way down to the floor. Finally, don’t forget to wipe the walls and doors before sweeping and mopping the floor.
  3. When everything dries out, rearrange your belongings. Store items you use frequently on the shelves along the garage walls, and place the things you don’t use so often in cabinets or closets. A pegboard is practical for storing your hand tools, and hooks are ideal for larger tools (spades, shovels, etc.).

Final thoughts: 

To have a tidy garage you’ll be proud of, you need to take your time and organize your belongings wisely. Group items by category, and label boxes so that you always know where to look for something. And most importantly, always return things where they belong so you won’t have to add uncluttering your garage to your monthly list of chores. 

Who offers a trustworthy house cleaning service in Jackson Heights, NY?

What is the best way to clean a garageDo you need help with your household chores? Have you just cleaned your basement, and you don’t have time to deal with your dusty bedroom? Luckily, Checklist Maids is here to help! We will send you a reliable professional who will make every corner of your home shine while you enjoy some quality family time at Central Park.

Each cleaner we match you with has been thoroughly screened and only uses harmless eco-friendly cleaning products, so you don’t need to worry about your family’s safety. Don’t hesitate to reach out today. You won’t regret it!

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