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Cleaning Your Basement: All You Need to Know

by checklistmaids - October 29, 2021

How do you clean a dirty basementAre you so busy dusting, vacuuming, and moping the high-traffic rooms of your home that you just close the door of your messy basement and try to forget about it? Out of sight, out of mind, right? Your monthly cleaning checklist is pretty long already, so who has the time to worry about an untidy basement?

That being said, but your basement is an integral part of your house, just like your bedroom that you clean regularly. Eventually, you’ll have to clean it. To help you out, we asked experts who offer a professional house cleaning service in Jackson Heights, NY, to share a few basement cleaning tips. Read on to find out what they said!

How do you clean a dirty basement?

Restoring the order in your basement sounds daunting and time-consuming, right? But with this simple guide, even this most tedious chore can be done effortlessly. Follow these steps:

  1. First, take everything out and double-check what you need, what you can donate, and what’s just useless clutter. Also, think about storage options: maybe you need to buy a new shelf? Or a few plastic boxes? You can also categorize your belongings: pack similar things together and label containers.
  2. Before you put everything back, you need to get rid of dust and debris. You can use a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner or a broom for this purpose. Start with the highest areas of the room, paying attention to the corners and other hard-to-reach areas. Also, make sure to wipe your walls with warm water and soap and rinse them before moving to the floor.
  3. Next, sweep and mop the floor with warm water and dish soap. Make sure to rinse it thoroughly, and let it dry before returning everything.

How do I clean the concrete floor in my basement?

The concrete floor in your basement is low-maintenance, meaning you don’t need to invest in any expensive cleaning products. So let’s see how you can make your concrete floor sparkle again:

  • Grab your broom or a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris (don’t forget to go behind heavy appliances).  
  • Deal with any stains. You can combine half a cup of baking soda, a gallon of warm water, and a dish detergent to get a powerful cleaning agent that can remove any stains. If you’re dealing with rust stains, sprinkle the spot with cement. Rub it with a piece of flagstone. Then, sweep or vacuum everything up. 
  • Mop the floor with warm water and dish soap (optionally add baking soda).
  • Rinse the floor thoroughly to avoid staining or leaving any potentially toxic residue if you are using a commercial product.
  • Let it dry before placing everything back.

Bonus tips:

  • Pay attention to the type of the floor. Sealed concrete floors are waterproof, meaning they won’t absorb any liquids. Unsealed concrete floors, on the other hand, are more susceptible to staining, and you have to be super careful not to oversaturate the floor with water and cleaning products as they can seep into this porous material.  
  • Don’t use ammonia, bleach, and white vinegar for your concrete basement floor. Ammonia and bleach release poisonous gases which can endanger your health, especially if you use them in poorly ventilated areas. They can also damage the protective layer of the sealed concrete, rendering it porous. Vinegar isn’t harmful, but due to its acidic properties, it can damage your concrete floor.

Hire the most reliable eco-friendly house cleaning service Jackson Heights, NY, can offer

How do I clean the concrete floor in my basementDon’t have the time and energy to clean your house or give your garage a good tidying up? The good news is, Checklist Maids is here to help. We only cooperate with trustworthy and experienced cleaning professionals who will respond to your needs in the best possible way, making your house shine.

So, go ahead, take your kids to the Museum of Modern Art, and enjoy wonderful pieces of art, while the top cleaning pros in Jackson Heights give you the gift of a sparkling clean home. Schedule an appointment now!

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